Sunday, September 11, 2011

TV AD starring an unbelievably cute canine

This may be not be a true story but I know the essence is. Love your pets truly. Give them the attention they need - that's one of the things they live for. No wonder, it's as if life is sucked out of them when they are neglected (I can attest to this). To all dog owners, love them and care for them because there is no one who will be more loyal to you.

On the other hand, the dog in the video is uh-may-zing! Gawwwwwd! I want to take him home! :-)



Sunday, September 4, 2011

The So-Called War between Cats and Dogs

Some interesting information about cats and dogs that you may not know :)


The most interesting thing I learned was #9: Dog nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints

Anyone else learned something new?


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Grocery Shopping with Irish

I recently found out that Rustan's Supermarket (at least in Katipunan) allows shoppers to actually shop with their dogs. Amazing!

I bring Irish with me a lot of the time. I just hate seeing the expression on her face when i leave her home. Besides being home all day everyday must be boring as hell! i can only imagine :) So in the hope of adding spice into her canine existence, I make it a point to take her out (when I can - as much as I can). 

We've been to a lot of places. But yesterday was grocery shopping day. Naturally, I chose to go to Rustan's in Katipunan. It was going to be Irish' first time to ride through the aisles of a supermarket. I am ecstatic! I'm sure i was more excited for her than she was. :s

So off we went!

Irish must have thought all the raw chicken was for her

Tried to get her to look at the camera - but Irish just wanted to look around
"Stop invading my space", says Irish

"I wish I had my own cart", thought Irish

"All this stuff is suffocating me", Irish complains

Ok Irish, I promise that you will have your own cart next time :)

Love you!
Mommy Christin

Monday, July 4, 2011


Beautiful quote from a beautiful movie. I cried buckets when it ended. The emotions, the fears were so real. Most of all, It made me remember how important it is to live a life that is not dictated by other people, but a life governed by our OWN rules. Make sure you live a life you're proud of.
